When overwhelmed with emotions, pray, pray and pray.

When I am overwhelmed with emotions my first inclination was not always to pray, pray and pray. I used to get so overwhelmed when my son Jaiden would scream like a banshee, spit, kick, hit and throw things. He has level 3 autism, epilepsy and an intellectual disability and some days are much harder than others. I used to be obnoxious, I used to cry, scream and throw fits myself. As time has gone on, I have become much better, but only because of time in prayer, time with God, time changing my attitude towards myself and family. I remember talking with my husband Kevin about how life was just so unbearable and he said, “This is insanity Maritza, you have to change something or it will always be how it is.” He was right about the insanity part. I was truly driving myself mad. I have always struggled with depression, anxiety and anger issues that have stemmed from my own childhood going through various things. Now, I have three boys and one with severe behavioral issues. I said to myself that day, “YOU’VE GOTS TO GET IT TOGETHER GIRL!”

It has taken me sometime to get it together, however I am a work in progress like most of you are. When I am overwhelmed I now, talk to God, breathe, walk away if able to, watch something funny, drink some water, juice, lie down, listen to classical music on pandora as sometimes just music is all we need with no words as that at times too can be overwhelming. Pray. Pray. Pray. It really can be hard for some to understand exactly what that is. You don’t have to do anything extravagant when you pray. All you have to do is find a place, anywhere and talk to God about your hurts, what you are struggling with, thank him for all you have and praise him. No wonder so many parents leave their families and children behind. They are discouraged, overwhelmed with intense emotions and feel there is no way out. Notice I said “feel”. Let’s try to take emotion out of our decision making though it is dang hard at times to do so, try it and pray.

The difference between effective marriages and effective parenting is prayer. I’ve noticed that powerful marriages and powerful parents value the power of prayer. If you wish to parent your child with autism well, you must pray well. I will give you a few suggestions to help with your prayer life:

Choose a place to have prayer. A car, bathroom, outdoors anywhere you can breathe will do.

Remind yourself of why you want to be a better parent, spouse, friend, minister and really appreciate the power of prayer

Determine times you will pray. I pray in the morning when I wake with some coffee, I also pray in the afternoon when my son is eating lunch. I have learned to pray throughout my days too. This has come with lots of practice talking with God and making it a habit, again like breathing.

Prayer should be your first priority when the going gets tough. Make prayer your first priority and make time to pray. If you want more on prayer listen to the latest podcast!!

“I want everyone everywhere to lift innocent hands toward heaven and pray, without being angry or arguing with each other.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭CEV‬‬

Latest Podcast: https://anchor.fm/molisfam/episodes/When-Overwhelmed-with-Emotions-Pray-ek46m1

Get Maritza’s First Book Autism in Our Home on Amazon and Barnes and Noble Now!! Putting God first when parenting your child with autism is the best thing you can do for your family! I want to help you to get your mind right and point you to the right resources. My second book is in the works and will be out soon!! https://www.amazon.com/author/maritzamoliswww.bn.com/s/9781642993400

If you wanna go much deeper than the blogs and podcasts are giving you then make sure you go to www.strategies2cope.com and I can go one on one with you. I can give you a free 10 min consultation to see if I am the right fit for you so just go to strategies2cope.com and send me a message!

Check out my husband👉🏼Kevin on his YouTube page for more tips!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCgg1lNqI3cmeE4fBHFjvw

12 thoughts on “When overwhelmed with emotions, pray, pray and pray.

  1. What a courageous woman you are, fighting the good fight of faith with prayer–all day long. Your battle is much fiercer than what most of us face; I admire your tenacity, determination, and strength. Bravo and God bless you, Maritza!

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    1. Thank you, Nancy. I wasn’t always this way. I studied ministry life, read books on monks, priests and Christianity. I also observed marriages and parents that have children with autism. I realized that peace in those people came from having a good prayer life. I push myself daily to pray and remind myself daily why I need to do so. It’s the best parts of my day. Blessings to you!!

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  2. Great post! Having Children is the ultimate character building exercise! Add a difficult one or two in the mix and the task seems impossible… but if we are intentional and take time to get God’s perspective through prayer, we begin to change for the better. You are doing amazing Mama! Keep up the hard work 😊

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